Monday, October 13, 2008

Code Pink Declares Victory, and Retreats from Shattuck Square

Sometimes I think a real difference between whacked-out progressives and their more conservative counterparts is simply the ability to tolerate, to focus, to remember what's important. I really could not care less whether Code Pink needs to fabricate a victory before pulling up their tent and moving on. What's important is that they go away.

Zanne Joi was gone all Summer helping her daughter deliver a child. Despite having voiced her desire for that baby to be a future womyn like its grandmother, she seems to be coping with its (initial) maleness. As soon as she left, Code Pink abandoned Shattuck Square. I almost feel badly at the way in which Code Pink seems to have exploited Zanne Joi -- for a year they totally dominated her time, her truck, her place of business -- they've even co-opted her phone number as the contact number for their group. One obvious difference between Zanne and a suicide bomber is that she will now have years to wonder whether she ever got the respect and glory she was promised, and whether her sacrifice served any greater purpose. I wish her all the best in her career as grandmother, and a fresh start at a more meaningful life. says they had an intern out serving as a placeholder from time to time, but the protest was basically over. It may be that others, like me, stopped paying attention after Judge Jacobson told those arrested and tried for trespassing that they had to stay within 4 feet of the curb, and not even touch the USMC OSO building... and Code Pink reported that as a win, too. A group loses credibility when it loses the ability to see or tell the truth about even minor issues.

I think even the City Council got tired of the protest -- and was distracted by the tree sit at CAL, a more interesting circus act this Summer. Code Pink's parking space sign disappeared on schedule and without comment. Captain Lund has moved on to a new post, the office continues to provide the service of facilitating the process of volunteers who choose to enter Officer Candidate School after college graduation.

So is this goodbye? Oh most definitely no. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and in Berkeley something always seems to pop up again.

I want to encourage you to look at and for ongoing coverage of this and other moments in Bay Area craziness, and I'll be watching what goes on.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Code PINK has dissipated, or maybe they're on vacation?

I've resisted the impulse for weeks to do the Code Pink thing and proclaim "Victory in Shattuck Square!" because those wailing wimmin have become absent -- even though their absence is in no way my doing. Granted I've been busy and often out of town and may have missed one or two assaults on the USMC OSO -- but I've encountered no one for weeks. The last person I remember seeing was Toby Blome, one of the whiners, I mean wailers, chalking important messages along the court mandated DPZ (DePinkedZone) and then stepping back into the no-fly zone to admire her work. That would have been a day or two after Judge Jacobson's ruling that the gurls need to stay within 4' of the curb -- a ruling they called a victory because they didn't have to stay entirely away from the OSO. Zanne Joi put icing on the little Pink cupcake by announcing as part of her victory statement that they didn't need to touch the building anyway, "we have other people to do that." As I've probably said before - but maybe not here, my first-grader knows better than to act like that. CP goes on advertising their big demonstrations on and their own website -- but I truly believe that the battle is forfeited when even the activist/demonstrator/witch-crones are no longer showing up.

The Code Pink site says you can just pick up the "action kit" at People's Cafe if you want to be your own protest. I'm tempted to pick up the "action kit" and toss it in a dumpster....but I won't.

Part of the problem with being on this side of the issue (in the good company of the USMC and much of America), is the constraints that come with reasonable behavior. Reasonable people can't just proclaim victory "We Shut them DOWN!" or behave like small, hungry children (wailing, having tantrums, sitting down and refusing to move until they get their way). Reasonable people behave reasonably and quietly, confidently. They don't attract undue attention, if they attract attention at all.

If you haven't yet read Capt. R. Lund's "Open Letter to Code Pink" and Zanne Joi's response (both in the Berkeley Daily Planet Archives, on line) you will surely see what I mean.

Throughout this odyssey the protesters have been extreme. I'm sure they feel strongly about their positions... but so do I. So do many of us, unfairly hobbled by our sanity and maturity. If you are looking for another interesting viewpoint on all this, Google "Jane Stillwater Blog". Ms. Stillwater is currently embedded with troops in Iraq -- its her third time -- As much as she wanted to hate the Marines first time she went, she came home with a healthy respect for Marines and their work, and an unhealthy respect for dining hall food, especially dessert. Strangely enough, the Berkeley Daily Planet has not published anything by Jane Stillwater since she started saying nice things about The Troops. As a privately owned newspaper, that is the Planet's right, but its not really journalism.

Lest you, or the Planet, think Stillwater has "drunk the Kool-Aid" -- her hatred for President Bush remains, which makes her support for the military, as humans doing hard work, more gratifying. I mention her because of the way in which her opinions have been shaped, through time, by facts and rational thinking. Zanne Joi and Medea Benjamin are incapable of that kind of adjustment. For them the World is seen in shades of pink -- or everything else.

I hope Code Pink has given up and gone home. They went into SF to help World Can't Wait! this week, and have been hanging out with the Berkeley Tree Sitters for months. But, allying themselves with Communist front groups and would be anarchists doesn't give them any credibility with anyone outside the Movement... For all their talk of Peace, Code Pink, WCW!, and most of the local anti-war groups here support continued fighting -- by anyone but the United States of America. As one who grew up thinking the "Menace of Communism" was a phobia affecting my parents' generation... I'm telling you, its real here. "Zombie" a local photographer, photographed and counted the number of Communist groups at a Iraq 5th Anniversary Protest this year -- the pictures are on his site ------> Please check it out!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

And Then it was July

There's a lot to catch up on, and most of it is just annoying. Code Pink persists, and is making no headway, but yet they persist. They balance their lack of progress with statements CLAIMING progress.

Just last week a judge instructed the "Wailing Four" (Medea Benjamin, Toby Blome, Pam Bennett and Zanne Joi) to stay away from the building in which the USMC OSO is housed. They declared it a victory because they only have to stay 4 feet away -- not 30 feet or yards or whatever. Zanne Joi is quoted in the Berkeley Daily Planet as saying that it doesn't matter that they can't touch or stick things to or enter the building, because there are lots of other Code Pinkers to do that.... the arrogance is appalling. The story of the court date appeared in several progressive sources, with accounts based on the Code Pink press release and claiming unmitigated victory for the forces of "free speech". One source based an account on the facts of the case: and the Berkeley Daily Planet was at least savvy enough to attribute all their information to Zanne Joi as quotes.

I'm sorry to have grown quiet. I'm just so tired of the manipulation and fibbing that the "anti-war" groups use in the service of what they think is a noble cause. If the ends justified the means they'd be out of several of the arguments they've made about the USMC OSO in Berkeley. Fortunately their positions are so many and so inconsistent that any action or reaction can be massaged into a show of support. Morally vacant. Pathethic.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Today's Letter to The Berkeley City Council (and Chamber of Commerce):

April 3, 2008
To the City Council:

I was sent this item from the Daily Cal this morning. Please have your staff read it to you, and pay careful attention to the tone in the quotes from Dona Spring, and to a lesser extent Ted Garrett. Both are dismissive of the reasons given for one more business leaving Berkeley. How can they be so unprofessional?

[editor's note: the italics are mine - please compare Spring's quote to Medea's in the prior post]

In Dona Spring's case, she's also wrong both times she is quoted. 1) "(Police) involved in the Marine recruiting center demonstrations are overtime, it's not the regular crew" -- Unless Berkeley is bringing in a separate police force for the CodePINK protests the Berkeley Police are being stretched and stressed; community policing is effected. Being compensated for their time isn't the same as being relieved and rested. 2) "... I don't see how the businesses in that square can sustain the kind of controversy that the Marine recruiting center has had on that locale."-- Regardless Ms. Spring, or anyone's, personal opinion about the USMC OSO staying in Berkeley, the controversy here rest on the shoulders of CodePINK. The OSO was in Shattuck Square for 9 months before CodePINK (or pretty much anyone) noticed. All the Police overtime and bad publicity date from AFTER CodePINK noticed the Office. As of April 1st CodePINK is even creating their own news to generate publicity.

Here's the Video:

Recruiting Center [NOT] 'Shut Down'

This post was written was in response to a news item in a local paper about the arrest of CodePINKers for trespassing in the OSO. (I think that was March 24, after the incredible show of Red, White & Blue -- and black leather -- on March 22. The PINKs were desperate to re-establish thems selves a the center of attention). The video mentioned is on YouTube with the title "Recruiting Center 'Shut Down'". (I'm sorry I haven't figured out how to post a video yet...).

"If people are concerned they should put pressure on the (recruiting center) landlord to break the lease," Benjamin said. "The recruiters are the ones who should have never come in to Berkeley. If whomever in the city wants to stop the protests, they should encourage the recruiters to leave. Democracy comes at a price." [emphasis is mine]

How dare Medea Benjamin say anything so arrogant, twisted and self-serving about the Marines stationed at the OSO in Berkeley. She wants to blame the OSO because their very existence compelled Code PINK to protest them -- and now, to be arrested protesting the Office.

I fully expect Medea to submit expense vouchers to the City for her time during these protests -- and to submit her vouchers along with Zanne Joi's formal complaint about falling off the sidewalk while arguing with the permit guy.... (if it had not been necessary to argue rationally about why Asher Wolf in a chair on the sidewalk wasn't the same as "No one in a chair on the Sidewalk"...she wouldn't have become distracted and fallen over. )

For several months I was even-tempered about all this, but I am disgusted by Medea Benjamin's actions and words. Someone at Code PINK posted a video of their arrests on Monday -- Code PINK supporters found it compelling, I found it rude and utterly self-centered. At NO POINT in this discussion has Code PINK been able to separate the local people involved - Marines, students, Berkeley residents - from the roles they've been assigned in this particular Code PINK street drama.

My humble belief is that considering, and treating, others as three-dimensional humans would make it impossible for them to prosecute this action without admitting its irrationality. Even the Iraqi's Code PINK wants to protect are described by Code PINK in flat, stereotypical terms instead of as humans.

The USMC OSO in Shattuck Square deals with college students who are legal adults. They, and the Marines who work in the Office, are not fools, not pawns, and not children OR predators.

The Marines were in their Shattuck Square Office for 9 months without any complaints until Code PINK noticed them. If anyone is to be pressured to leave it should be Code PINK, a group of protesters primarily from outside Berkeley, who protest for their own entertainment and self-aggrandizement. Where is their shame?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

On the Eve of the Siege of Shattuck Square:

Below is a comment I posted on an article by Catherine Moy earlier today. It explains where things seem to be here, at the moment. The only additional stuff I know is that the Chamber of Commerce has forgiven the Mayor, and the Mayor has continued to say stupid things about the Marines. He was also quoted yesterday saying that it he wasn't surprised the Semper Fi Act failed...because the actions of a City government shouldn't have federal consequences. I suppose that ties in with my comment below about actions and consequences. I hope Guy Houston succeeds where the Senate failed. Such arrogance shouldn't go unpunished.

* * *

There's a really interesting dynamic here with regards to the protesters. At first the protest at Shattuck Square was just Code PINK -- and it was just annoying and rude. After the City Council's mistake of 1/29 which included language encouraging people to impede the recruiters by any non-violent means (not any legal means) a group called World Can't Wait! showed up. They've done most of the "in-your-face" actions attracted attention outside of Berkeley. For some reason both groups are happy that Code PINK get the publicity for much of what WCW! has done (hence the orange jumpsuited men instead of dumpy pink women).

Unfortunately, the presence of Move America Forward in October and February, made it possible for the locals to say all the pro-American demonstrators were from out of town, when in fact there are many here who still think of Berkeley as a subset of the United States. Its worth the confusion to have seen an ocean of American flags in the "People's Republic of Berkeley".

The two main groups, WCW! and CP employ very different strategies in the Siege of Shattuck Square. Code PINK mostly just hangs around, and complains of "harassment" when the Police enforce existing laws and permits. They complain of "selective enforcement" when Police only arrest or cite those who break the law.

WCW! in contrast provokes an aggressive response from Police and counter-protesters, and then chortles and claims "Police brutality" or some other misconduct. They also have encouraged high school students to rage against organizer-chosen targets by giving them baubles and telling them how clever they are.... If there are predators here, I think they're part of WCW! not the USMC.

Code PINK has recently stepped up their game perhaps in fear of losing their publicity. Womyn were arrested on Friday for entering the USMC Office and refusing to leave. They had presented the Marines with a note telling them to leave, and wore shirts that said "Code PINK Movers" on them.

Aside from the basic self-centered, entitled, arrogance of these groups, and the $150,000 in Police overtime they've already spent, what bothers me most is their misuse of concepts of Civil Disobedience. Civil disobedience does not assume an absence of consequences as Code PINK seems to think, nor limited responsibility for the reactions and behaviors one provokes, as thinks WCW!. True Civil disobedience is an honorable pursuit about which these two groups no absolutely nothing. They play into the hands of the hundreds of people here who have never got past the 60s and cannot fathom that this situation just isn't ABOUT them -- its about the future of the Country, and about treating those who defend our rights with respect.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Berkeley Marine Sanctuary is now a Facebook Group!

It was irresistible... Facebook attracts a very different audience, and the group already as 5 or 6 members, local Berkeley people who want to support the recruiters, whatever their view of the politics or anything else. Fun. Feel free to join us there, if you happen to be on Facebook.... and by the way, Facebook is fun!

Welcome to Camp Berkeley!

Well. Code PINK has set up camp in the back of a large flatbed truck this week. The police have given them some latitude on parking meters and such, as long as the whole thing stays calm and pedestrian and car traffic aren't impeded by their presence. Yoga every morning at 8:30, singing, houseplants. Tra la, la. You can go to SF GATE and Google Code PINK to read the latest. I was starting to feel a little bored with everything so calm....

Then this morning the word came down that the Berkeley Police Review Commission has received a petition from World Can't Wait! and Code PINK alluding to police misbehavior and bad behavior. Apparently the petition, with 65 votes (of which a minimum of 50 must be Berkeley voters --- which might be iffy, in my opinion) was presented last night, and the meeting was scheduled for tonight. The notice is too short for me to get there, but I did get to fire off a written statement supporting the Berkeley Police for their decency and patience, and professionalism, dealing with the protesters ---- especially with World Can't Wait! --- a group with such a lousy attitude that they have made me almost like Code PINK. The url above will take you to video of WCW! being "abused" by police while violating all the terms of the permit they held to protest two or three weeks ago.

Until recently I felt fairly neutral about Marxists and anarchists. For that I apologize. My heart goes out to anyone who has to impose law and order on a group that WANTS to be arrested, or maybe beat up, so they can cry brutality. As Roger Young [the vet who drove up from Orange County (twice) to guarantee at least one Marine supporter would be on hand for the WCW! protests] explained to me, "Code PINK is just annoying. They aren't really hurting anyone". WCW! is aggressive and invasive, and will exploit anyone for their agenda. They are the group that handed scarves to high school students on 2/12, and promised them they'd be on t.v. if they were loud enough. They offered support to Code PINK, and then chained themselves to the Marines' office one week, chained themselves to each other a week or two later and screamed at unarmed bike cops, while smacking chains against newspaper boxes and trying to get high school kids to join them, again (its in the video from the URL above). This time the students ignored them and went straight for the camera. How disappointing when the kids don't at least pretend to be on your side.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Letter to a Local Newspaper Writer (K Bender)

I had a nice talk with someone this morning who was supportive of this effort - so this afternoon I wrote to one of the local newspaper people who have been covering this mess. Since no one showed up on Tuesday, I wanted her to have an idea of what happened. Also this morning I found a site called that is pictures of events like this, but some local person. Anyway - here's today's letter:

"I went by the Marines' Office on Tuesday to see what kind of turn out they got for free food. While Code PINK publicity for the event may claim victory for the Pink Ladies, there was no food and ALL the students from Berkeley High who showed up were in support of the Marine's presence in Berkeley. Code Pink was a little confused to see them, but the students were polite (and hungry) and Code PINK really had nothing else to do, so there was some good discussion.... There are tons of pictures of the event on a site called though I think the point of those pictures was to document the non-event nature of the event.

Another person who showed up on Tuesday was the Berkeley City permit guy, who did not allow un-permitted activity, including standing in the street, blocking the sidewalk and distributing free food. His behavior was calm and professional for the entire time I was there, even when a Code PINK member yelled to Medea Benjamin from across the street that "the problem" was that "he's being a JERK!". Police on the scene also gently re-directed jaywalkers, enforced smoking bans and other city rules. I was really pleased to see Berkeley Police and Permit Department enforcing existing regulations, evenhandedly and firmly. (I hope they can do the same tomorrow when World Can't Wait! arrives to provoke them. A balanced, "neutral" but not passive police presence is crucial for dealing with WCW - a group that seeks out violence they can frame as brutality and arrests they can characterize as unjust).

It distressed me that Rebecca Lyman (CodePINK) tearfully cried harassment Tuesday night at the Berkeley City Council meeting. The gist of her remarks was that IF the Police were just following Berkeley laws, she'd like to see some flexibility in enforcement of those laws -- for Code PINK. I'd encourage you to find her statement from Tuesday night -- to see what constitutes harassment to her, and her friends. Rebeca Lyman also appears on YouTube accusing Marines of war crimes and various other things --- maybe she doesn't know what THAT means, either.

I'm writing you with additional information you might not have, because you and Doug Oakley have done such a good job covering this. If you are interested in talking to Pro-Marine High School students, email me and I'll direct you to my son and group. They are truly radical in the current context. I hadn't seen them in action until Tuesday, and was quite pleased at their ability to have discussions with Medea Benjamin et al without losing either their tempers or their senses of humor.

Thanks for helping to keep Berkeley accountable. It could be a full time job, but you seem to get a lot else done, too.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

There is No Free Lunch!!!!

Well, we tried. Code PINK had a party today and (almost) nobody came -- but we were there!

I tried to invite the Berkeley College Republicans to come too (see below). My son invited every red, white and blue blooded kid he knew of at Berkeley High to attend, too -- since the party was in part to show appreciation for Berkeley High kids showing up on 2/12/08.

"With apologies for short notice, I'm writing you (as President of the BCR) to point out that Code PINK is having a FREE APPRECIATION LUNCH tomorrow, in front of the Officer Selection Office at Shattuck Square. As a Berkeley resident who supports the Marines in Berkeley...well, I'd love to see you and 50 of your friends show up at noon to enjoy the party...maybe a few minutes before noon, to be sure the vegan meatballs don't run out.

I think we all qualify to attend -- who doesn't love peace? I didn't see anything here about how best to obtain peace... but I know my plan doesn't involve kicking the Marines out of town. I have contacted the City Council and suggested to them that they not attend such a partisan event, and certainly try to avoid further exposure on YouTube.

Please spread the word - if you can suggest others I should contact, please do that as well. I'm asking my 16 year-old Berkeley High son to post something on all his various anti-PINK, anti-City Council, anti-narrow minded hypocrisy and pro-USMC Facebook groups."

Oh, and there was no food, because there was no permit to give food away. And there was no parking space because there was no permit for the parking space (on Tuesdays). The BPD was even enforcing the jaywalking laws!!!! There was a nasty little dog that should have been on a leash...but, nobody's perfect!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I Lost my Post(s). It Must Be That Berkeley Karma

I posted this on a blog by Amy Proctor earlier, and then ended up at the site for a group called "Protest Warriers" which is pretty outrageous:

"I'm here in Berkeley with my family, living as ex-patriot Americans in the People's Republic. The City Council has gone mad, and their encouragement has now made it possible for World Can't Wait! to surplant Code PINK in front of the Recruiting Office.

World Can't Wait! as a group seems willing to be punched - so they can claim brutality, or arrested - so they can claim injustice. Despite the problem with the Berkeley Police mistaking "neutral" for "passive", my sympathy is with them. They are caught between the 60's and the Anarchists.

I would like to start a group (Berkeley Marine Sanctuary) for people who support the presence of the USMC in Berkeley. My goals are 1) to supply material aid to the Marines (cookies and handshakes seem to be appreciated), 2)to support the Police in enforcing existing laws to control the protesters or put them away, and 3)to start asking Berkeley's quiet people to speak up, so the Council doesn't mistake volume for numbers, next time. I can be contacted at a yahoo email address, berkeleymarinesanctuary (at) yahoo (dot) com.

I met Roger Young yesterday - retired career Army and dad of a Marine - he has now driven up from Orange County twice to be sure someone counter-protests the World Can't Wait! thugs. In honor of the loose law enforcement, I double-parked upstream of the water boarders and megaphones, to thank Roger for his presence in Berkeley, and to apologize for being home with a sick kid while he was out on the sidewalk. I asked him if he was hungry and he said folks had been bringing him food and coffee coupons all day (yay!), so he was "all set". When I told him I was from Berkley, he smiled and said "but you seem so NORMAL!"

How sad is that?"

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The World is a Close as a Google (or Yahoo) Search!!!

Well, I compiled my links and said profound things...and then lost them all. I'll be briefer, sadder, wiser this time: (excellent photo essay from Tuesday's demonstration) (why is our City Council member calling on college students to come protest his own meeting?) (Just found this this morning and enjoyed it. On the importance of picking your fights).

There were a lot more words last time, but lets just get this posted and out!!!!

Job Security - but there's just so much Information!

I apologize for not writing sooner, but I have been using a lot of time just following the ongoing drama of Marines in Berkeley. I assume you all have been following, too, if only what's been on the news. At the risk of ruining the punchline of my story I will tell you right away that I wondered at 1am on Wednesday if I was out of a "job" because the Council backed down and admitted that the Marine Office had the right to be located in Berkeley.

Well, job security isn't really that great if its a job you don't want to be necessary...but it looks like we'll be here awhile longer.

I'm going to put in some links to stuff I've found that I thought was particularly useful or descriptive concerning the demonstration on Tuesday and what has gone on since. Of course, if you are reading this you have the same capability to find those sources -- I would encourage anyone to try a Google search for "Berkeley vs. Marines" or "Code PINK vs. Marines" to see what you turn up.

In my opinion local papers have been more fair than I expected (I didn't expect much), with the best coverage from Doug Oakley of the San Jose Mercury News. The local television stations have been fascinated in their fashion, at 5:00am Tuesday there were 6 television trucks plus print journalists, etc. following a protest which at that time numbered about 50 people on each side of Martin Luther King, Jr. Civic Center Park. I was there, because I found out the night before that my college-aged daughter was coming by to drag my high school-aged son to the protest... so I got to do the right thing AND see my kids. The little guy was home with dad and we were back for breakfast before either one noticed.

The other assembled anti-war groups A.N.S.W.E.R. and World Can't Wait! almost made Code PINK look reasonable. That is the biggest condemnation I can give. There were people of goodwill on all sides, and there were people hellbent on getting attention by behaving badly, or in a shocking fashion - which is sometimes hard in Berkeley. Its not true that "all" the pro-troops demonstrators were from somewhere else, but some were and came amazing distances to be there. I'll try to add links to some stories. Its sad that Medea Benjamin of Code PINK can dismiss people who sacrificed so much to be here as "outsiders" instead of hearing something in the fact that they were committed to BEING HERE.

World Can't Wait recruited hundreds of high school students into their ranks at lunchtime using of a ploy Code PINK has condemned (when used by the military) --- FREE STUFF! It was sad to see hatred and vulgar language coming out of 15 year-olds who had just been given t-shirts and bandannas by World Can't Wait! in exchange for their participation -- during lunch and beyond. Next week I will have to ask the school what their policy is on the kids who were photographed while cutting school (right across the street) and shouting "1,2,3,4, We don't want your F***ing War!" at senior citizens who may also have been Veterans of Foreign Wars. I ran into my son and his friends at lunchtime, too. A group later dismissed by an anti-war blogger as "short haired para-military youth." The blogger probably thought she was being open-minded and loving, because she didn't ACTUALLY call them neo-Nazi skinheads....My son does have short hair, and he did wear a shirt with a flag on I guess that's proof that there's something sinister about him. Nice shirt, too - from the Jelly Belly Factory, with "Proud to Bean American" on it.

Some teachers brought their kids out to participate in the protest as well. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! I've tried in the past to get teachers at Berkeley High to behave in a more professional manner and they don't see it. The worst ones cannot conceive of stifling their own opinions to the higher calling of behaving like an adult and creating a safe place for students to have their own opinions. When my daughter was at Berkeley High the issue was complying with Ed Code to put a flag in every classroom. The Superintendent of Schools and the Principal came down on the side of flags being an unnecessary expense and infringing on teachers' personal rights --- but put up the flags when money was threatened. Last year they proudly folded again under federal pressure to comply with the "Opt-Out" legislation attached to "No Child Left Behind" and again it was because money was threatened. Berkeley was the last high school in the country to use an "Opt-In" strategy with military recruiters, "return this form if you want to be contacted", and by last year the Department of Defense had had enough arrogance and ended the stand-off with a single phone call. (Oh to have been a fly on the wall!!!) Berkeley is horrified that Sen DeMint has threatened to take our Earmarks - and now the State wants to take $3.3 in transportation money because the City ceded space on a public roadway to a private political group....well. There is a precedent. Its worth it if it works.

Oh wait, arrogance and unprofessional behavior...that reminds me. Berkeley City Council doesn't get it, either. Indeed, a large part of the communication I've had with the BCC in the past two weeks has been respectfully reminding them that while they are entitled to their personal opinions, they are pledged to perform objective public service. Gordon Wozniak is the only one who actually expressed that concept publically on Tuesday night, but Mr. Capitelli and Mrs. Olds actually do believe it. Of the rest, most don't get it but only Max Anderson actually seems to have a personal hatred of the military, based I think on his own experience (which I'll have to research). More than ever, its clear that our Mayor is clueless, which leads to his doing evil things without comprehension. The rest of them are just a waste, at least on this issue.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Oh! There is a Person Behind this Blog!

I’ve been reminded to tell you who I am. I’m a mom, and I live in the kind of neighborhood Council member Betty Olds did when she said that during the Vietnam War she and the other moms all found a psychiatrist to declare their kids “crazy” in order to avoid the draft.

Now my neighborhood runs heavily to Volvos and Prius Hybrids, Spanish speaking gardeners, Peet’s coffee, skateboards and play dates where at least one adult is a nanny. Oddly enough, we have none of those things at our house, except the play dates, We drive American cars and eat too much red meat; even more conspicuously we have an American flag out front. I feel guilty about leaving it overnight without proper lighting, but I do it.

In a town where the School District apologized for caving in to the feds on “Opt Out” for military recruiters, and had to go buy classroom flags when a parent finally sued them …well, if you want to be really radical in Berkeley, be a conservative. My husband and I have a daughter 19 and sons 16 and 6.

I wrote to Betty Olds’ staff yesterday and will end with what I told them about why this issue matters so much to me.

“I have a kid at Cal, one at Berkeley High and one in Kindergarten. Appeasing terrorists doesn't work for me because it's my 6 year-old who will be drafted into the next war if we walk away from this one with a ‘kick me’ sign on our backs.”

Did I mention that I get carried away sometimes?


Many thanks to all of you who have expressed support for the USMC Officer Recruitment Office at 64 Shattuck Square, Berkeley. I'm happy to say I may be in a race to publish the whole story (from my perspective as one who never wears pink) before the Berkeley City Council finds a way to wiggle out of their initial, completely unacceptable, statement of nonsupport. The City Council was surprised at the level of angry response they received in the first few days after their remarkably cavalier and thoughtless resolutions were passed, a week ago today. Some members have explained the response away by calling those who emailed them "Right wingers" and "Not from Berkeley". As of this morning the Chamber of Commerce had received mail and phone calls from 146 individuals planning to boycott the City in any way they could. A Councilmember dismissed those angry people as "probably" not from here or planning come here, anyway. If you want details from that part of the story, email me and I'll look up the link.

For those of you without a scorecard, this is the current run down. Within the City Council, Gordon Wozniak gets the points for never supporting either the anti-marine or pro-Code Pink resolutions. Betty Olds and Kris Worthington objected to the sending of a nasty-gram telling the Marines we don't like them, but yes on the rest. Betty Olds and Laurie Capitelli are the Council members now officially calling for the undoing the vote. Linda Maio and Max Anderson sponsored the resolution giving Code Pink a parking space and noise permit for the next 26 Wednesday afternoons. While Maio says the wording was poor and should be reconsidered, Max Anderson stands by his votes, as do Dona Spring and Darryl Moore. Tom Bates, the Mayor of this town, not only voted for both resolutions, but made a statement before they passed that has been repeated in several different sources, "I believe in the Code Pink cause. The Marines don't belong here, they shouldn't have come here, and they should leave," said Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates.

The thing about a statement like that out of the City's Mayor, is that it really makes his subsequent call for a gentler rewriting of the resolutions sound ingenuous and false. Better he should fall on his rubber sword as a man of integrity, who was just WRONG -- to apply his personal opinion to a City issue. Code Pink is complicit in all this because they are loud and fairly consistent in their loudness. This blog is in part my penance for having tolerated Code Pink and The World Cant Wait in silence, long enough that Tom Bates could believe their opinions were popular, mainstream, or even rational. Like Mayor Bates, Code Pink is entitled to its opinions, but not to assume that they represent the rest of us.

Of course, the resolution to boot the Marines started with Steve Freedkin, Chair Emeritus (since 2/1/08) of the Peace and Justice Commission. There was much made at the Council meeting of the fact that this was Freedkin's last meeting as Chair, and there were several items from the Commission before the Council that night, ranging from boycotts, recall of National Guard Troops from Iraq, to Declaring Berkeley a Sanctuary City for users and providers of Medicinal Cannabis. The URL for the Agenda is here: There is also a video of the whole meeting. Trust me, its REALLY LONG. From the above link you can find the text of the Peace and Justice Commission's recommendation to the Council. They also take liberty with facts vs. opinions...stating the latter as the former. Its sad, but a learning experience for the rest of us. I will not stoop to that --- but cannot expect any more than that from those who would damage this City, and more importantly this Country.

I need to go make eye contact with my 6 year-old right now, so will stop for awhile. I urge you to look around for information on Code Pink and The World Can't Wait while I'm gone. There are a couple of amazing YouTube videos related to all this, plus one on (and probably YouTube by now) showing the WCW (orange prison jumpsuits) chained to the doors of the USMC Recruiting Center on Friday. I had seen still photos, but the video really makes a point about reasonable behavior. Try to be kind to the "neutral" police officer. He was following orders from a City Council almost entirely absent from the scene, and a Mayor whose email was set to "bounce" because of the huge amount of traffic he provoked.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Time to Step Up and Say Something

Berkeley has bitten off more than they can chew here. News at 11.