Thursday, April 3, 2008

Today's Letter to The Berkeley City Council (and Chamber of Commerce):

April 3, 2008
To the City Council:

I was sent this item from the Daily Cal this morning. Please have your staff read it to you, and pay careful attention to the tone in the quotes from Dona Spring, and to a lesser extent Ted Garrett. Both are dismissive of the reasons given for one more business leaving Berkeley. How can they be so unprofessional?

[editor's note: the italics are mine - please compare Spring's quote to Medea's in the prior post]

In Dona Spring's case, she's also wrong both times she is quoted. 1) "(Police) involved in the Marine recruiting center demonstrations are overtime, it's not the regular crew" -- Unless Berkeley is bringing in a separate police force for the CodePINK protests the Berkeley Police are being stretched and stressed; community policing is effected. Being compensated for their time isn't the same as being relieved and rested. 2) "... I don't see how the businesses in that square can sustain the kind of controversy that the Marine recruiting center has had on that locale."-- Regardless Ms. Spring, or anyone's, personal opinion about the USMC OSO staying in Berkeley, the controversy here rest on the shoulders of CodePINK. The OSO was in Shattuck Square for 9 months before CodePINK (or pretty much anyone) noticed. All the Police overtime and bad publicity date from AFTER CodePINK noticed the Office. As of April 1st CodePINK is even creating their own news to generate publicity.

Here's the Video:

Recruiting Center [NOT] 'Shut Down'

This post was written was in response to a news item in a local paper about the arrest of CodePINKers for trespassing in the OSO. (I think that was March 24, after the incredible show of Red, White & Blue -- and black leather -- on March 22. The PINKs were desperate to re-establish thems selves a the center of attention). The video mentioned is on YouTube with the title "Recruiting Center 'Shut Down'". (I'm sorry I haven't figured out how to post a video yet...).

"If people are concerned they should put pressure on the (recruiting center) landlord to break the lease," Benjamin said. "The recruiters are the ones who should have never come in to Berkeley. If whomever in the city wants to stop the protests, they should encourage the recruiters to leave. Democracy comes at a price." [emphasis is mine]

How dare Medea Benjamin say anything so arrogant, twisted and self-serving about the Marines stationed at the OSO in Berkeley. She wants to blame the OSO because their very existence compelled Code PINK to protest them -- and now, to be arrested protesting the Office.

I fully expect Medea to submit expense vouchers to the City for her time during these protests -- and to submit her vouchers along with Zanne Joi's formal complaint about falling off the sidewalk while arguing with the permit guy.... (if it had not been necessary to argue rationally about why Asher Wolf in a chair on the sidewalk wasn't the same as "No one in a chair on the Sidewalk"...she wouldn't have become distracted and fallen over. )

For several months I was even-tempered about all this, but I am disgusted by Medea Benjamin's actions and words. Someone at Code PINK posted a video of their arrests on Monday -- Code PINK supporters found it compelling, I found it rude and utterly self-centered. At NO POINT in this discussion has Code PINK been able to separate the local people involved - Marines, students, Berkeley residents - from the roles they've been assigned in this particular Code PINK street drama.

My humble belief is that considering, and treating, others as three-dimensional humans would make it impossible for them to prosecute this action without admitting its irrationality. Even the Iraqi's Code PINK wants to protect are described by Code PINK in flat, stereotypical terms instead of as humans.

The USMC OSO in Shattuck Square deals with college students who are legal adults. They, and the Marines who work in the Office, are not fools, not pawns, and not children OR predators.

The Marines were in their Shattuck Square Office for 9 months without any complaints until Code PINK noticed them. If anyone is to be pressured to leave it should be Code PINK, a group of protesters primarily from outside Berkeley, who protest for their own entertainment and self-aggrandizement. Where is their shame?